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Welcome to T-1 Today UK ®

The T-1 Today UK 2023

Diabetes Together conference

at Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa

26th-29th October

The T-1 Today UK 2024

Diabetes Together conference

at the Golden Jubilee Hotel, Glasgow

24th-27th October

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Our Photo  Gallery

Check out some of the great images from previous T-1 Today UK conferences. More

Speakers & Staff

See who we have had as speakers and staff. More

T-1 Today UK 2022

  This years T-1 Today UK 2022 is set to retun to an in-person event. More

“T-1 Today UK has opened my eyes to the positivity diabetes can bring: independence, individuality, determination & most importantly friends for life. I am forever grateful to those who have made that possible.”

Phoebe Head, Adult with Type1

"Diabetes Together is almost a chance to hit reset. It gives my daughter extra confidence as she becomes more independent, her younger sister the chance to feel part of a story which has become a big part of her life, and my wife and I, an opportunity to learn from experts and share our experiences. Gwen and her team have created a warm and happy space which makes you feel part of something special."

Lee Lofthouse, Dad of a Type 1 child

“As a Type 1 family we really look forward to this conference every year. It is empowering for us parents. We can rest easy knowing our T1 son is being well cared for in the kids groups. It is real joy to watch my son make friends and have a blast with other kids that understand what living with Type 1 is like. He never wants it to end 😊

Patsy Millar-Bradford, Mum of Type 1 child

“Diabetes Together" has become such an important event in my diary, I would not miss it for the world! The events are brilliantly organised and despite me being in my 67th year of living really well with Type 1 Diabetes, I still learn so much from attending. Personally, I love the wonderful positivity of the weekend which results from so many factors. These include: - fascinating presentations and displays, meeting T1 specialists and researchers, exciting insights to new technology, the superb food, but above all, meeting so many caring, inspiring people who often become wonderful friends. Do feel free to come and talk, it will be good to meet you”.

Peter Davies, Adult with Type 1 diabetes

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